Head Start and Early Head Start are now taking applications!!!
Head Start and Early Head Start are now taking applications!!!
In 1984 it expanded into Jasper, Newton and Tyler counties. In 2001, we expanded all services except Head Start into Harrison, Panola and Upshur counties.
Over the years the organization has continued to fight the debilitation effects of poverty through many innovative programs. During this time, the local communities have remained actively supportive of Tri-County. The promise of Community Action is to change people’s lives, embody the spirit of hope and improve communities, and to make America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other. Local residents serve on the Board of Directors Policy Councils, as well as volunteer their time, skills and goods and services to help Tri-County be successful. Tri-County works closely with other service agencies in the area to ensure coordination of referrals and services.
Currently Tri-County administers four major programs, and maintains a staff of one hundred sixty (160) employees. A 18-member Board of Directors overseas the agency. We consider ourselves to be an agency directed by concerned citizens working for concerned communities.
1. COUNTIES SERVED: Harrison, Jasper, Newton, Panola, Sabine, San Augustine, Shelby, Tyler & Upshur
The purpose of this program is to render aid to income eligible families facing crisis in terms of food, clothing or shelter. These are areas of ongoing assistance offered through Social Services, in addition to occasional funds for crisis intervention. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) fund the emergency food and shelter crisis program, crisis rental assistance, and the information and referral program.
A. Information and referral - An integral part of the responsibilities of the Social Services is to maintain a good working knowledge of area social services that render aid to low-income families. If necessary, our staff will act as an advocate for the client.
B. Clothing Room - The clothing room was established to fill the need for a continuing source of clothing for low-income persons. Donations of clothing and household items from the community keep the Clothing Room stocked. A nominal price is charged to help prevent abuse and to provide the agency with non-federal match monies. Please Note: Not all offices have a clothing room at this time.
C. Rental Assistance - This service may be available to all counties for individuals/families experiencing a crisis and is in need of shelter assistance. This service may include one-month rental assistance and is based on funding availability.
D. Food Pantry/Produce Drop (Shelby County) – In 2014 TCCA partnered with the East Texas Food Bank, located in Tyler, Texas to provide food service to our Shelby County, TX clients. Each Thursday from 8:30-10:30 a.m. we are open to serve our clients with food bags. After the initial eligibility process is complete, each client is served every 30-days or the following Thursday, whichever comes first. We also provide fresh produce each 4th Wednesday of each month with the exception of holidays and/or office closings.
E. Transitioning Out of Poverty (TOP): One of Tri-County’s #1 goals is to transition persons or households who are currently considered in poverty out of poverty. (See the U.S. Department of HHS Federal Poverty Guidelines: https:aspe.hhs.gov/poverty-guidelines). There are various ways in which our staff attempt to provide this service. Some of those areas are education, financial literacy, educational literacy, nutritional training, etc.)
1. COUNTIES SERVED: Harrison, Jasper, Newton, Panola, Sabine, San Augustine, Shelby, Tyler, and Upshur.
The primary intent of Comprehensive Energy Assistance (CEAP) is to make funds available to enable an agency to respond to energy needs affecting low-income households in the agency’s service area. In order for a household to receive assistance through CEAP, the household must have a gross annual income less than 150% of the current Poverty Income Guidelines. The agency should give priority to those with the highest home energy needs, meaning low income households with high residential energy usage, a high energy burden and/or the presence of a "vulnerable" individual in the household, such as a child age 5 and younger, disabled person, or an elderly individual. CEAP services include: energy education, utility payment assistance, repair of existing heating and cooling units, and crisis-related purchase of portable heating and cooling units.
The following assistance programs are available through CEAP:
A. Crisis Assistance: Crisis Assistance can be provided to persons who have already lost service or are in immediate danger of losing service only under one of these listed conditions (1) Extreme Weather Conditions, (2) Disaster or (3) Life Threatening Crisis.
B. Utility Assistance: TCCA may make utility payments on behalf of households based on the previous twelve (12) month's home energy billing history, including allowances for cost inflation. If a twelve (12) month home energy billing history is unavailable, TCCA may base payments on current program year's Alternative Billing Method (ABM). Benefit amounts exceeding the actual bill shall be treated as a credit for the client with the utility company. Households that include at least one member that is elderly, disabled or has a child age 5 or younger may receive benefits to cover up to the maximum benefit level for that household. Non-Vulnerable Population Households can receive benefits to cover up to six remaining bills within the Program Year as long as the cost does not exceed the maximum annual benefit for the Utility Assistance Component. The first bill payment may cover two separate fuel sources. All payments are based on funding availability.
For more information contact the Social Services office in your county:
Pearlie Nash (Sabine County)
214 Nacogdoches Street
Center, TX 75935
936-598-6315 ext. 500
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday
Patricia Swanson (Newton, Tyler Counties)
Angela Barlow (Jasper County) 409-489-4016
1201 Cardinal
Woodville, TX 75979
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Pearlie Nash (San Augustine County)
214 Nacogdoches Street
Center, TX 75935
936-598-6315 ext. 501
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Pearlie Nash (Shelby County)
214 Nacogdoches Street
P. O. Drawer 1748
Center, TX 75935
936-598-6315 x71
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Beth Eubanks (Harrison County)
505 East Travis, Suite 108
Marshall, Texas 75670
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Beth Eubanks (Upshur County)
1561 State Highway 271 N
Gilmer, Texas 75644
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday
LaTisha Standberry (Panola County)
425 W. Sabine, Suite 2
Carthage, Texas 75633
Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday and Friday
Project Head Start/Early Head Start is a program for low-income children ages birth to five and their families. It is a comprehensive child development program including medical, dental, mental health, nutritional and educational services for 626 children. The Early Head Start program serves 154 children in a Center Based setting and 36 children and 4 expecting mothers in a Home Based setting. The Head Start Program serves 83 children in Home Based settings and 349 children in Center Based settings. The programs serve Angelina, Jasper, Newton, Sabine, Shelby, San Augustine, and Tyler Counties.
It is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF).
The Program provided all staff with training to improve job performance and opportunities for career advancement within the program.
Family Service or ERSEA Manager
Tri-County Head Start Program
P.O. Box 1748
Center, Texas 75935
936-598-6315, ext. 900 or 302