Head Start and Early Head Start are now taking applications!!!
Head Start and Early Head Start are now taking applications!!!
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Dear Mr. Walton,
We needed you and you were there!
We are so very grateful for your egg donation and the partnership that has been reached between MPS EGG FARMS and Tri-County Community Action, Inc (TCCA, Inc.). With the increase of egg prices, this will help households to be able to better serve their families and/or themselves. To be honest, this may be the only source of protein that some households may receive.
While this may appear to be a small act of service to some, it is large to TCCA, Inc. Thank you for the partnership and the aid that you are providing to help us eradicate hunger one step at a time.
Brenda Allen, Program Director
Social Services Department – TCCA, Inc.
Tri-County is requesting bids to dispose of several of its older fleet vehicles. All sales will be final and as is. A complete list of vehicles is available. Bids can be for all vehicles or for as many as you want. To bid, please contact Yolonda Neal fora bid packet that includes a vehicle list, details, location,s and instructions at 936-598-6315 EX:200 or email yneal@tccainc.org
There are many ways to get involved with Tri-County Community Action, Inc., from volunteering and donating to attending our events and spreading the word. Join our community today to make a difference. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Keisha Roland at 936-590-6092 or email kroland@tccainc.org for more information about opportunities available.